
Wishing you a blessed and happy new year!                   January 24, 2024

Dear faithful supporters,

Another interesting year has passed us by, and we are thankful to God for carrying us through it and blessing us greatly along the way. This year saw many changes for Pathways, most notably in our roster of staff and volunteers. Through God’s great providence we have also made numerous improvements to several features of our organization. Our website has been overhauled, making it much easier to navigate and find what you are looking for. We designed new brochures and dispersed them around our area to help extend the reach of our ministry. We were also blessed with an incredible donation from The Floorworks in Bethlehem, who generously donated a length of new carpet for our counseling room which we have entirely remodeled to make it more welcoming to our clients. We are looking forward to experiencing what God has in store for this ministry this year and are so grateful to Him and to our donors for enabling us to continue into the year 2024.

Here are some of the services we provided in 2023 compared to 2022:

                                                                                    2022                            2023                           

Total Individual Clients:                                             70                                 53      

Total Client Visits:                                                      346                               287     

BrightCourse Classes Taken by Clients:                48                               107

Boutique Items given out:                                   3,667                            3,021

Upcoming Events

Pathways Annual Banquet

Returning after four years, Pathways Pregnancy Center will be hosting its annual banquet on May 18th, this time at the Ogontz White Mountains Resort in Lyman, NH. Join us for good food, a raffle and silent auction, and come see our guest speaker, Gail Robbins, host of the Gail Robbins show on the Light Radio Network. Invitations to come.

Warrant Article Voting Period

Littleton, Lisbon, Bethlehem, and Whitefield voters will be voting on the submitted warrant articles for the year in March. Please be sure to cast a vote in your town in support of our warrant article requesting funds for our Material Assistance Program.

Staff and Volunteers

In our last newsletter, we mentioned that we were searching for a number of new members to add to our team. By God’s grace, every position has been filled to some degree. We are so blessed to have such an incredible group of people working together to serve the women and men of our community.

Executive Director: An exciting addition to our Pathways team is our new executive director, Samuel Mealey. Sam will manage, train, guide, and spiritually lead his staff and volunteers to better serve our clients and enable them to perform their respective duties to the best of their abilities. We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for him here at Pathways.

Board of Directors: We are also very excited to welcome Mary Pat Simmons, Monica Laflamme, Toni Woodruff, and Christina Bertin as our three new board members! We are sure they will bring great new insight to the board and will help us to glorify God through proper stewardship of what He has given us.

Spiritual Director: We are happy to welcome our new spiritual director, Todd Walker. Relatively new to the North Country, Todd is the pastor at Crossroads Church here in Littleton. We are so grateful for his service in opening our monthly board meetings with readings from Scripture followed by a short uplifting sermon, leading us in prayer, and raising all our petitions to God.

Client Advocates: We have also been blessed with two new additions to our team of client advocates, those very special volunteers who directly meet with and provide services to our clients. We are happy to welcome Lynda Payette and Kristen Greene to our team. They have already proven invaluable as members of Pathways’ ministry, and we look forward to seeing how God will use them in the future.

Center Volunteers: Finally, we have a new and unique volunteer to welcome, Noel Paventy. We are so grateful to Noel for taking on the responsibility of maintaining our records, which includes cataloging important information such as client visits and items we have given out. Her service at Pathways is incredibly important and greatly appreciated.

Prayer Warriors: Pathways’ ministry is always in God’s hands, and He works with the help of your many prayers. We are blessed to have so many supporters praying regularly for us and for the success of this ministry. We are sure God has heard and answered the prayers of many of you, and we are so thankful.

May God bless you throughout the new year,


The Pathways Team

For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun!  Do you not see it?  I will make a pathway through the wilderness. –  Isaiah 43:19